the green chair project

several years ago, when i was first starting furbish, a special lady named jackie craig helped me tremendously when i needed it most.  she would come into the store, offer support, express encouragement, and even play shopgirl for me if i had to make a drs appointment.  she was a blessing when i needed one, and now she has her own company, the green chair project, that provides blessings, encouragement and support to those who need it most: families who are recovering from homelessness, crisis and or disaster.  

the green chair project reuses donated household furnishings to give families a new start.  jackie and her partner beth, both savvy with design and trained in home-staging, have created a environment for families to select furniture and accessories from that feels dignified and respectful.  they create vignettes that get women excited about furnishing a home that will be a new start for them and their families.  

i worked with 9 other NC designers (including linsdsay from the pursuit of style) to refurbish chairs, using madcap cottage's fabulous new fabric line for robert allen, and these chairs will be auctioned off at the green chair's charity event this saturday evening.  you can buy tickets here, and look forward to a fun night of supporting a great cause, and mingling with madcap's founders john loecke and jason oliver nixon!

here's my creation using one of john and jason's new floral fabrics for robert allen.
you can buy tickets here, and look forward to a fun night of supporting a great cause, and mingling with madcap's founders john loecke and jason oliver nixon!

i'll be there (i think!  i'm hustling in from out of town to make it - but i'm going to do my best!) so come say hi, at least to this pretty little loveseat, and maybe place a bid in the silent auction to make her yours!

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